Shunde Empire Furniture

We never followed trends, but set them - The Empire is the choice of Elite!

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Neoclassical style


新古典主義的設計風(fēng)格其實(shí)是經(jīng)過(guò)改良的古典主義風(fēng)格。歐洲文化豐富的藝術(shù)底蘊,開(kāi)放、創(chuàng )新的設計思想及其尊貴的姿容,一直以來(lái)頗受眾人喜愛(ài)與追求犀被。新古典風(fēng)格從簡(jiǎn)單到繁雜懊误、從整體到局部划咐,精雕細琢,鑲花刻金都給人一絲不茍的印象。一方面保留了材質(zhì)、色彩的大致風(fēng)格,仍然可以很強烈地感受傳統的歷史痕跡與渾厚的文化底蘊乡范,同時(shí)又摒棄了過(guò)于復雜的肌理和裝飾苹粟,簡(jiǎn)化了線(xiàn)條。

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佛山市順德區皇朝家私有限公司以“集世界家具之大成,圓億萬(wàn)人家居夢(mèng)想”為創(chuàng )導登肃,傾情專(zhuān)注二十余載檀巡。


Our Four Showrooms

Royal, Noble, Modern and Pricerite - cover a total area of thousands square meters

located in the central of the middle axis in Lecong town-the biggest furniture wholesale center, capital of China furniture business, From its inception, has been the extension frontier territory in art and innovation, persistent practice "the world furniture master" entrepreneurial ambition, twenty-one years ingenuity, become the first brand of Lecong furniture market.